Why subscribe?

Faster Product – subscribe if you want to get FREE how-to guides on workshopping and product innovation to your inbox, once per month.

I’ll teach you:

  • How to run workshops so that you and your team can collaborate better

  • How to use digital tools such as Figma, Miro, etc. to plan out and create digital products (even if you’re not a designer)

  • Design Sprint best practices and DIY tips

  • And sometimes: FREE workshop templates

Why you should listen to me

The Faster Product newsletter is written by me, Johan Holst. I’m a freelance Product Designer and Innovation Coach based in Stockholm, Sweden. You should listen to me because I’m an experienced designer and workshopper – for example – I have worked with AJ&Smart as a prototyper, running Design Sprints with some of the biggest brands in the world.

I’m also a former Squad Lead in the Airborne Rangers of the Swedish Armed Forces who switched careers to become a Designer back in 2010. Throughout my career, I’ve learned tons of things about team collaboration and innovation on the job – and from many expensive courses – that I’ll share with you for free.

I started this newsletter because I know many product teams out there are wasting time being misaligned and using ineffective methods to collaborate and build products.

I want to help change that by sharing the best methods I learned throughout my career (both as a Soldier and as a Designer) on how to work together as a team. How to innovate and perform under pressure. And specifically, how to produce great products, faster.

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Subscribe to Faster Product

Get FREE templates and how-to guides on workshopping and product innovation sent to your inbox, once every month. Innovate smarter, and create better products – faster.


I know some shit about product design and innovation – I share some of that.